Launched in the year 2019 as a free online repository of famous short stories and poems in audiobook form; it contents are under two categories, Kabi O Kabita and Short Stories...
It was established as a platform for cross-pollinating our language and cultures with others. This annual festival is held on the first Saturday and Sunday of the month of February every year...
This online portal was designed and developed to give virtual experience to the remote viewers of our heritage sites. Our landscape is dotted with hundreds of heritage sites of archaeological and cultural...
It’s a database of oral history from the people who have witnessed and experienced the formation of the new capital city and its evolution. Oral history is one of the major source of information...
Jayanta Mahapatra National Award for Literature:Instituted in the year 2024 as a tribute to the most famous English poet of our state and also to popularise poetry, this national award carries a cash award of 50,000 INR...
Today we are pleased to announce the launch of Creative Commune, a comprehensive database of detailed profiles of various creative brains who work behind the production...